Building strong bones
One of the best ways to help prevent osteoporosis is to make your bones as strong as possible. This means maximizing peak bone density and slowing the rate of bone reduction through physical activity and exercise.There are two types of exercises that are important: weight-bearing and resistance exercise. Weight-bearing exercises are those in which your feet and legs are bearing your weight - such as jogging, walking, stair climbing and dancing. Resistance exercises are activities that use muscular strength to improve muscle mass and strengthen bones. These include weight training and body weight exercises.
Include exercise daily
‘Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is the easiest way to make an impact on osteoporosis,’ says Physiotherapist Paula Coates. ‘You can do any type of exercise, from marching on the spot to skipping - even jumping off the bottom step each time you come down the stairs will be beneficial.’ Coates also recommends gentle bodyweight exercises, such as squats and lunges, bicep curls for the arms and stretches for the whole spine.For those who have osteoporosis, Coates recommends 30 minutes of exercise two to three times a week to help manage pain and slow disease progression. Healthy individuals can complete the following exercises to help prevent against osteoporosis later in life. They are also suitable for people who already have the condition.
Step ups
For step ups, you need a stable object. Step up one foot at a time, placing your whole foot on the surface. Step down one foot at a time, and repeat leading with the same leg.Continue for one minute, rest for 30 seconds and repeat leading with the opposite leg. Complete two rounds.
Stand with feet together and hands on hips. Lunge forward with your left foot, and bend your knees. Make sure you take a big enough step forward so that your left knee doesn't come past your left foot.Keep your body weight on the back leg as if you're going to kneel on the floor. Push back to standing, and repeat on the right side. Complete three sets of 20.
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